How to Tell When Stress Symptoms are Becoming Overwhelming

Danielle Capozza
January 12, 2024
9 minutes

Dealing with stress symptoms is a common experience for everyone. But if you let these stress symptoms get out of hand, you may begin developing an anxiety disorder which can negatively affect your health in several ways. If this is the case, it may be time to make essential life changes.

In this article, we will discuss common stress symptoms so you can determine when it’s time to act.

How to Tell If Your Stress Levels are Too High

High stress can produce behavioral, physical, and emotional symptoms that tell you things are getting out of hand. These include:


  • Pain or tension in the head, chest, or abdomen: Stress causes muscles to tense up. If your muscles are tense for long periods, it can lead to headaches, migraines, or musculoskeletal problems.
  • Digestive issues: Many of us get stomach aches or deal with digestive issues when we are nervous. Examples include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation. It also affects how quickly food moves through the system and the way intestines absorb nutrients. It raises the body’s metabolic needs and increases the use and excretion of nutrients.
  • Reproductive issues: Stress can cause changes in your sex drive, irregular or painful periods in women, and issues with impotence and sperm production in men.
  • Changes in heart rate and blood pressure: Stress causes your body to go into fight or flight mode. This activity speeds up your heart rate and leads to spikes in blood pressure. Initially, your vitals will regulate, but if they fluctuate due to ongoing stress, they can do permanent damage.

Mental and Emotional

  • Depression: People that are stressed out often feel anxious or depressed. Anxiety and depression can cause them to withdraw from enjoyable activities and people they love.
  • Difficulty focusing: When your mind is flooded with stressful thoughts, it can be challenging to focus. The lack of focus interferes with memory, productivity, and the ability to make decisions.
  • Anger and irritability: Stress can cause irritability and damage personal and professional relationships.
  • Difficulty sleeping: If you are dealing with a lot of stress, you may be unable to sleep at night. If you are tired, it will diminish your stress resilience, creating a vicious cycle.


  • You’re using illicit substances: Many people self-medicate to reduce feelings of stress. They turn to drugs, alcohol, or tobacco to escape their troubles. While these substances can temporarily decrease stress, they worsen things in the long run.
  • You’re withdrawing from friends and family: Anxiety can cause you to feel depressed, angry, and irritable. These emotions can cause you to withdraw from friends and family. Without emotional support, your issues may worsen.
  • You’re no longer interested in the things you once loved: Your negative feelings may cause you to no longer partake in hobbies you once enjoyed.
  • You’re considering dangerous behaviors: If stress is causing you to be unhappy, you may engage in self-harming behaviors. You may even be thinking of hurting others, or your may be having thoughts of suicide.

What to Do If Stress is Becoming Overwhelming

It’s important to address stress before it becomes overwhelming. Here are some activities that will reduce stress:

  • Meditating: Meditating may enhance attention, memory, and mood.
  • Eat a healthy diet: A diet rich in nutrients and stress-relieving foods will benefit mood.
  • Talk to someone: Talking to friends and family can reduce stress levels. Talk to a professional if you are feeling particularly stressed.
  • Do things you enjoy: Enjoyable activities will take your mind off stress and lift your mood.
  • Exercise: Exercise increases serotonin in your body, boosting happiness and reducing stress.
  • Journaling: A journal is a terrific outlet for your emotions. Let your thoughts flow on paper or a computer screen. You can reflect on what you wrote later if you so choose.
  • Laugh more: Laughing will help you feel better. Even forcing a fake laugh can lighten your mood.

How Hanu Health Can Help

Hanu Health is a platform used to measure, promote, and optimize stress resiliency. Using Hanu gives you the opportunity to track your own biometric data with real time feedback, understanding how your body is responding to life events (big or small). You also get personalized, actionable ways to improve your stress through various therapeutics and exercises. This helps manage your stress, allowing you to feel better.

Don’t let stress get the best of you. Hanu Health provides a scientifically effective solution. Discover how we can help you improve your quality of life.